Increase Your Revenue with a Call Answering Service for Businesses

Call Answering Service for Businesses Grows Revenue

There are many ways to grow your business’ revenue, but did you know that one of them is partnering with a call answering service for businesses?

Running a successful business is all about balancing the budget and ensuring your revenue far exceeds your expenses. All businesses have expenses, whether that be the cost of staff, rent on a building, shipping, equipment, operational tools, etc.

Partnerships with other businesses that provide services or goods you need to operate are also expenses; but smart business operators know that the right partnerships can pay for themselves by directly or indirectly generating revenue. A partnership with a call answering service for businesses such as Abby Connect can grow your revenue in ways you couldn’t without us.

The Importance of a Call Answering Service for Businesses

Business managers understand that answering the phones is vital to business operation. Even with access to the internet, customers often want to talk to a real person, for many reasons.

  • They can’t communicate their needs clearly online.
  • There are questions they need immediate answers to.
  • The customers have concerns about your services/products that only a human conversation can assuage.
  • They can’t find the answers they need online.
  • A telephone conversation is simply preferred.

Answering calls for your business in a timely, friendly, professional manner is vitally important. It helps you keep the customers you already have happy, but it also helps you convert new callers into customers. Being available for customers or potential customers when they need information about your products or services is the foundation of top-notch customer service. Most consumers are loyal to brands they trust that provide positive customer experiences. Being responsive and communicative are huge features of positive customer experiences.

In addition to maintaining current customer relationships, you can also engage and convert new leads through a quality call answering service for businesses in ways you couldn’t without one. An in-house receptionist simply isn’t enough because they don’t have the call handling technology that a business call answering service provides.

Build Your Lead Pipeline with a Call Answering Service for Businesses

Most businesses have someone answering the phone during normal business hours, but what if the receptionist is on the phone and another call comes through? If that call goes to voicemail, you may have already lost a lead. That potential lead may simply hang up the phone and dial your competitor because they want to talk to someone NOW.

With Abby call answering service for businesses, when you have multiple customers calling in at one time, calls will be routed to another virtual receptionist ensuring that none of your calls are missed. This vastly increases your leads, which in turn means more revenue for your business when those leads convert.

Call Answering Service for Businesses Technology/Tools

In addition to an improved lead pipeline, the technology/tools offered by a call answering service for businesses are valuable in and of themselves. An in-house receptionist, no matter how great, won’t have access to the tools provided by Abby, but these tools greatly improve the call handling provided to your customers.

Abby’s call answering service for businesses comes with more than just human virtual receptionists taking your calls. You also gain access to powerful technology that assists the virtual receptionists to provide the best call handling experience possible.

When you have Abby’s call answering service for businesses, you gain access to:

  • AI technology that generates a caller transcript
  • Call summaries
  • Automatically recorded calls
  • AI technology that provides customer sentiment scores
  • An online portal where you can track and manage your calls
  • A mobile app that allows you to manage calls PLUS text and call back callers on the go
  • Human intelligence (feedback provided by receptionists on your customers)
  • Ability to provide detailed call handling instructions
  • And more

How Abby’s Call Answering Service for Businesses Increases Your Revenue

“Our revenue has doubled since working with Abby. It has allowed us to capture customers we were previously missing.” – Green Hill Fence Company

Missed calls are missed opportunities to turn callers into revenue. With Abby’s call answering service for businesses, you turn those callers into customers. This directly translates into revenue, and the potential is vast. One Abby client reported doubling their revenue by partnering with Abby.

How is it possible to grow your revenue with Abby’s call answering service for businesses?

  • You can connect with more callers and convert them into customers rather than losing those missed calls to your competitors.
  • You can screen callers easily through the portal and app to better gauge viability and save valuable time.
  • Avoid losing customers to poor call handling through rapid, reliable communication.
  • Serve more customers due to time saved through Abby’s call answering service for businesses.
  • Improve customer service using Abby’s sentiment scoring.

Abby Call Answering Service for Businesses Pays for Itself

The cost of in-house receptionists can be expensive, and you still don’t gain the technology and tools that Abby’s call answering service for businesses provides. Abby’s virtual receptionist call answering service for businesses is affordable and the increased revenue you gain by converting more callers into customers pays for the service many times over.

What are you waiting for? Get started with Abby call answering service for businesses today. See additional resources below.

Get Started with Abby

Cost of Missed Calls Free eBook

Written by

Katie Rosa

Katie Rosa